ISO-NE/NYISO Market Outlook: What's Promised and What's Possible

$ 100.00 USD

Northeast states continue to experience tension between clean energy policy commitments and cost sensitivity. Given offshore wind project cancelations, sustained high clean energy costs, and other factors, meeting state renewable goals will require a number of changes to policies and market structures. At the same time, increasing demand means significant opportunities for renewable energy projects.

In this webinar, Dr. Gary Dorris, CEO at Ascend Analytics, and Dr. Brent Nelson, Managing Director of Markets and Strategy, preview Ascend's latest forecast for the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) and ISO-New England (ISO-NE) power markets. Leveraging Ascend's proprietary market intelligence, they discuss opportunities for what and where to add capacity resources, the impact of the recent executive order opposing offshore wind development, and the implications of demand growth as both ISOs evolve into winter peaking systems.

Access this webinar now, or read more about Ascend's forecast for NYISO and ISO-NE.

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