WECC Release Teaser: Stuck in the Middle with You - A Tale of 2 Competing Markets

$ 100.00 USD

Surplus solar in the Southwest has turned the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) upside down to create a new north and south divide, where the south has become the low-cost center of power while the north has some of the most consistent high power prices in the country.

In this webinar previewing Ascend's WECC Market Outlook, Dr. Gary Dorris, CEO at Ascend Analytics, Dr. Brent Nelson, Managing Director of Markets and Strategy, and Dominique Bain, Energy Markets Economist, discuss a market expansion tipping point in WECC. Leveraging Ascend MI™ energy market intelligence, they also highlight rapidly accelerating opportunities for renewable energy project development and contracting in the western US.

Access this webinar now, or read more about Ascend's WECC market outlook.

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