Ascend Analytics Market Intelligence (AscendMI) announces its 4.2 release of the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) Market Report and Price Forecast.
Accelerating peak load growth, combined with high renewable penetration, continued to fuel high price volatility via large on/off peak price spreads and increased net load ramps. At the same time, implied heat rates are rising as power forwards remain high while gas prices decline, signaling further concern about scarcity in the market. As developers, utilities, and financiers pursue the energy transition, the SPP 4.2 Market Report explores how these changes impact resource outlooks and opportunities.
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AscendMI™ (Ascend Market Intelligence) delivers proprietary power market forecasts that reflect the new market dynamics driving the energy transition. AscendMI™ provides 20+ year forecasts for day-ahead and real-time power prices for all major trading hubs and market nodes including the WECC, SERC and Western Europe. In addition, AscendMI provides forecasts for ancillary services prices, capacity prices, and REC prices, as well as nodal basis forecasts for every major market in the United States. AscendMI integrates into Ascend’s BatterySIMM and PowerSIMM platforms, enabling users to incorporate dynamic market forecasting into their energy portfolio decision-making processes.
Contact Us if you would like to set up a meeting to learn more.
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Ascend Analytics Market Intelligence (AscendMI) announces its 4.2 release of the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) Market Report and Price Forecast.
Accelerating peak load growth, combined with high renewable penetration, continued to fuel high price volatility via large on/off peak price spreads and increased net load ramps. At the same time, implied heat rates are rising as power forwards remain high while gas prices decline, signaling further concern about scarcity in the market. As developers, utilities, and financiers pursue the energy transition, the SPP 4.2 Market Report explores how these changes impact resource outlooks and opportunities.
Topics Covered:
AscendMI™ (Ascend Market Intelligence) delivers proprietary power market forecasts that reflect the new market dynamics driving the energy transition. AscendMI™ provides 20+ year forecasts for day-ahead and real-time power prices for all major trading hubs and market nodes including the WECC, SERC and Western Europe. In addition, AscendMI provides forecasts for ancillary services prices, capacity prices, and REC prices, as well as nodal basis forecasts for every major market in the United States. AscendMI integrates into Ascend’s BatterySIMM and PowerSIMM platforms, enabling users to incorporate dynamic market forecasting into their energy portfolio decision-making processes.
Contact Us if you would like to set up a meeting to learn more.
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Ascend Analytics is the leading provider of market intelligence and analytics solutions for the energy transition. The company’s offerings enable decision makers in power supply, procurement, and investment markets to plan, operate, monetize, and manage risk across any energy asset portfolio. From real-time to 30-year horizons, their forecasts and insights are at the foundation of over $50 billion in project financing assessments. Ascend provides energy market stakeholders with the clarity and confidence to successfully navigate the rapidly shifting energy landscape.