The Turlock Irrigation District (TID) is seeking competitive proposals for renewable energy projects, including storage, to help TID meet the California Renewable Portfolio Standards as outlined in California Public Utilities Code § 399.30, and TID Board Resolutions No. 2018-66 and 2018-67. TID was established in 1887 as a publicly owned irrigation district. Since 1923, TID has been providing safe, affordable, and reliable electricity to a growing retail customer base that now numbers in excess of 100,000 residential, farm, business, industrial and municipal accounts in an electric service area that encompasses 662 square-miles in portions of Stanislaus, Merced, Tuolumne and Mariposa counties. TID is a California Balancing Authority and operates independently within the Western United States power grid. As a Balancing Authority, TID is fully responsible for generating, securing, scheduling, and reliably delivering electricity to its customers.
Through the Ascend Energy Exchange (AEX), TID aims to procure new or existing clean energy projects delivering either directly into TID or to CAISO. Offers may be structured as all-in PPAs, bundled RECs (fixed price or Index+), or ownership offers. All offers must have a minimum nameplate capacity of 50 MW or annual renewable generation of at least 150,000 MWh. Acceptable commercial operation dates are no later than December 31, 2030.
TID seeks proposals for PCC1 eligible generation (including solar photovoltaic, wind, biomass, biofuel, small hydroelectric, and geothermal) or PCC1 renewable generation plus storage (hybrid). Storage discharge duration must be at least 4 hours. Offers are grouped in two categories:
Please note that standalone storage and RA-only offers are not being considered in this RFP.
Additional information and mandatory data templates for submitting offers are available below.
Projects will be evaluated on a combination of quantitative and qualitative factors that include economic value, interconnection status, strategic fit, agreement alignment, bidder viability, project viability, and other factors.
An online webinar was held on June 20, 2024 to review the RFP objectives, process, eligibility requirements, and answer questions. A recording of the session and the presentation are now available for download.
Download the following release package for instructions on the TID's 2024 Renewable Energy RFP and the submission process. Submit your questions below by June 21, 2024.